Fallout: Equestria Wiki
Fallout: Equestria Wiki

Below is a list of weapons featured in Fallout: Equestria. For a list of weapons featured in the various side-stories, go to List of Weapons in Fallout: Equestria Side Stories.

Small Guns[]

Weapon (Small Guns) Effect Found at Used By First appears in
Double Barrel Shotgun Two shots. Close range Slaver camp, near Sweet Apple Acres Sawed-Off, Monterey Jack Chapter 2
IF-9 Combat Shotgun Close range Bridge, Ponyville Littlepip, Velvet Remedy Chapter 2
Sniper Rifle Long range, effective against soft targets Library, Ponyville Littlepip Chapter 2
Revolver Six shots in a revolving barrel Library, Ponyville Littlepip Chapter 3
Assault Rifle Rapid fire intermediate caliber. Close to medium range Library, Ponyville Raiders Chapter 3
Rifle Semi-automatic high caliber. Long range Outside New Appleloosa Calamity Chapter 3
Little Macintosh A revolver with a scope, and an ivory bit molded for extra-comfortable fit in the mouth and ease of trigger. Every shot is extremely powerful Ironshod Arms, Ponyville Littlepip Chapter 4
Needler Pistol Silent. Close range. Non-lethal. Causes temporary paralysis Slaver Armory, Appleloosa Velvet Remedy Chapter 7
Submachine gun Rapid fire small caliber. Close range Attack on New Appleloosa train Slavers Chapter 8
Brush Gun Attack on New Appeloosa train Griffin Mercenary Chapter 8
Scoped Assault Carbine Medium to long ranged Raider town, Pie Farm Vicinity Raiders Chapter 10
Zebra Rifle Medium caliber. Long range. Enchants bullets fired to set fire to whatever the bullets hit. Four Stars, Manehattan Littlepip Chapter 16
Dart Gun Paralysing effect that lasts for a few hours Scehematics found in Old Appleloosa. Assembled in Manehatten

Velvet Remedy


Chapter 19
Automatic Rifle Medium range assault rifle Fillydelphia Unicorn Slaver Chapter 26
.223 Pistols Cut down rifles modified by Calamity for use as "handguns." Created as a pair. Created by Calamity and sold to Reggie Reggie Chapter 41
Crossbow Silent and deadly weapon of zebra assassin's. Fire bolts Old zebra vault Chapter 44

Big Guns[]

Weapon (Big Guns) Effect Found at Used By First appears in
Flamethrower Short range battle saddle weapon. Sprays flammable liquid across an ignition source. Susceptible to wind and obstructions Appleloosa Slavers Chapter 6
Missile Launcher Propelled explosive warhead. Medium range Appleloosa Slaver Chapter 7
Minigun Rapid-fire medium to high caliber automatic weapon Appleloosa Slaver Chapter 7
Grenade Machinegun Rapid-fire explosive shells Steel ranger HQ's and outposts SteelHooves Chapter 14
Little Gilda A dismounted, tri-barrelled, anti-air cannon. Manehattan Butcher Chapter 18
Spitfire's Thunder Long range, Anti-Machine rifle. Effective against tough and armoured targets Bank safe, near Fillydelphia Littlepip, Calamity Chapter 23
Rocket Launcher A long range weapon that fires explosive rockets Fillydelphia Griffin Talon Chapter 26
Railroad Rifle A steam-powered rifle that fires railway spikes. New Appleloosa Stiletto Chapter 40

Energy Guns[]

Weapon (Energy Guns) Effect Found at Used By First appears in
Magical Energy Rifle Disintigrates soft targets. Low rate-of-fire Attack on New Appeloosa train Slaver (unicorn) Chapter 8
Magical Energy Shotgun A tri-barreled, magical energy shotgun. Close to Junction R-7 Gawd Chapter 10
Plasma Cannon Three barreled, magical energy cannon. Shoots magical green flame of plasma Shattered Ridge Calamity Chapter 12
Star Blaster (Homage) Magical energy pistol, fires blue energy that disintergrates targets every time Tenpony tower, Homage's safe Homage Chapter 20
Magical Plasma Pistol Fire bolts of green energy that turn target to luminescent goo Battle for Stable 2 Blackwing Chapter 28
Novasurge Rifle Magical Energy weapon. Four of these can be mounted on a battle-saddle. 'Rock of Destiny' Near Calamity's shack Calamity Chapter 29
Magical Energy Minigun Heavy rapid-fire weapon. Shoots magical beams of energy Old Olneigh Hellhounds Chapter 30
Balefire Egg Launcher A weapon that uses an almost catapult like weapon delivery system to throw a balefire egg. Zebratown Armory Littlepip Chapter 36
Lightning Rifle An energy rifle that fires lightning bolts New Appleloosa Gilgamesh Chapter 40
Magical Plasma Rifle High-powered magical energy weapon. Shoots bolts of magical green flame of plasma Ministry of Arcane Sciences, Canterlot Littlepip Chapter 37
Multi-Gem Magical Energy Shotgun Remind Magical Energy Shotgun. Shoots multi-blasts of magical energy Ministry of Arcane Sciences, Canterlot Littlepip Chapter 37
Multi-Gem Magical Energy Cannon Heavy rapid-fire weapon. Mounted on Ultra-Sentinels. Shoots blasts of magical energy Ministry of Awesome, Canterlot Ultra-Sentinels Chapter 37
Star Blaster (Autumn Leaf) Magical energy weapon,fires orange energy that incinerates targets. Red Eye's Cathedral Autumn Leaf Chapter 43
Multi-gem minigun Heavy weapon that fires rapid blasts of blue and gold. Skies above Tenpony Tower Enclave soldier Chapter 44


Weapon (Melee) Effect Found at Used By First appears in
Spiked Ponyshoes Kinetic and Cutting Slaver camp, near Sweet Apple Acres Cracker Chapter 2
Shovel Sharpened for slashing Slaver camp, near Sweet Apple Acres Littlepip Chapter 2
Sledgehammer Kinetic Bridge, Ponyville Raiders Chapter 2
Pool Cue Kinetic Library, Ponyville Raiders Chapter 3
Knife Cutting Library, Ponyville Littlepip Chapter 3
Axe Cutting Library, Ponyville Raiders Chapter 3
Magic Slegdehammer Kinetic Attack on New Appleloosa train Slaver Chapter 8
Whip Kinetic Attack on New Appeloosa train Slaver Chapter 8
Griffin Armor Wing edges sharpened for Slashing Attack on New Appeloosa train Griffin Mercenaries Chapter 8
Rake Kinetic, Puncture Raider town, Pie Farm Vicinity Raiders Chapter 10
Magical energy lance Kinetic, Puncture, Energy Shatter Ridge Raiders Chapter 12
Sawblades Cutting Fetlock Littlepip Chapter 13
Serrated knife Cutting Luna Line, Manehatten Raider Colt Chapter 16
Zebra Shock Sword A sword that crackles with magical electrcity. Deals cutting and electrical damage. Unknown Battlefield. Seen during the first test firing of Fluttershy's Megaspell. Female, zebra soldier Chapter 24
Sword Cutting Fillydelphia, The Pitt Chapter 26
Auto-axe Kinetic, Cutting Fillydelphia, The Pitt. Chapter 26
Chainsaw Kinetic, Cutting Fillydelphia, The Pitt Chapter 26
Hellhound Claw knives Kinetic, cutting and slashing Kage and Reggie Grimfeathers Chapter 41


Weapon (Explosives) Effect Found at Used By First appears in
Mine Proximity explosive. Can be buried. Variable timer outside Carousel Boutique, Ponyville Raiders Chapter 3
Metal Apple (Grenade) Timed explosive. Thrown outside Carousel Boutique, Ponyville Raiders, SteelHooves Chapter 3
Dynamite Timed explosive Stable 24



Chapter 5
Magical Energy Grenade Self-Explanitory Raider town, Pie Farm Vicinity Littlepip Chapter 10
Matrix-Disruption Grenade (E.M.P. Grenade) Create a magical, electric field that disables robots and other machinery Four Stars, Manehattan Littlepip Chapter 15
Magical Energy Mine Proximity explosive. Variable timer. Can melt almost everything Hippocampus Energy Plant #12 Hellhounds Chapter 22
Sparkle Grenade A powerful energy grenade made from a bottle of Sparkle Cola RAD. Its explosion leaves a distinct radish scent. Neighvarro Calamity Chapter 44