Fallout: Equestria Wiki
Fallout: Equestria Wiki

A spell matrix master key is a magical device, created by Stable-Tec, used to gain root access to PipBucks and similar arcano-tech devices.


The master keys are commonly found in Stables, within the PipBuck Technician's office. Its primary function is to remove a PipBuck from its wearer, reboot a PipBuck, and gain root access to a PipBuck's spell matrix.

The master key can also be used to reboot Steel Ranger Power Armor as shown by Littlepip when she rebooted SteelHooves power armor. The key requires a power source, such as a PipBuck or the spark battery from a computer terminal in order to reboot power armor.

Appearances in Other Stories[]

Rangers of Wintertrot[]

One of these was located inside T.I.T Stable VII. Inkwell had Crosshair reboot his Power Armor, using one of these.
